Our work that impacted  and continue reverberating

Since 2020, Mercado Livre has relied on Profile to amplify and qualify the communication of the business's sustainability and ESG activities, positioning itself on key issues, expanding territories and evolving its vision and narratives for the final public.

The responsibility of Latin America’s most valuable brand is growing along with its expansion.

For us, the challenge was to build and implement strategies that would reinforce our position as a leader in sustainability and ESG in Brazil, connecting our actions to the expectations of consumers and stakeholders and increasing brand recognition.

Nestlé + Nescafé

Nestlé/ Nescafé



Regenera RS

Regenera RS




Mercado Livre

Regenera America

Mercado Livre

Mercado Livre + Feira Preta Festival

Mercado Livre + Feira Preta Festival

Shall we reverberate together?

Talk to one of our experts.

Let's reverberate together!

Talk to one of our experts.

Let's reverberate together!

Talk to one of our experts.

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